Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service

My great customer service experience is with a company called Blublocker.  On July 6, 2015 my daughter, Jordyn and I walked through the front door of Blublocker headquarters here in Las Vegas, NV and were greeted by a beautiful older lady carrying a little white dog.  The dog started to talk to us and wanted are affection.  The older lady later identified herself as Sherri put the little dog on the ground and my daughter started to play with it.  Sherri asked very politely, how could she assist me and how was it that I had heard of the company.  I went on explaining that I am working with sleep specialists and doctors to assist on improving my health.  My doctor has asked me to wear blue blocking glasses a few hours before I go to bed at night, to shut my cell phones and WIFI off at the same time as putting on the glasses.  I explained my background of being a police officer and a disabled vet and how my health has suffered after being deployed to war.  She continued by thanking me for both services and was willing to assist in making my health improve.  She went in the back and brought out front all the sunglasses that Blublocker makes.  Explaining each one in detail and having me try them all on.  I found two that I felt fit the best and walked outside to test them.  My daughter walked outside with me and asked to try on the pairs of glasses I had.  We walked back inside and I explained what I was observing.  My daughter gave her opinion as well.  Sherri gave my daughter and I several pairs of glasses to go home with if I would promise to take pictures while wearing them and give feedback to her on any effects of my health.  Since July 6, 2015 I have been back on three different occasions explaining how the sunglasses have affected my life and the lives of several of my friends.  I have bought 7 different pairs of Blublocker sunglasses for my friends and family to enjoy.  I thank Sherri every time for her professionalism and compassion she showed the first day and everyday that I return.

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