Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Week 6 EOC: MEx3

First item that identifies me is a bicycle.  It doesn’t matter if it is a road bicycle, mountain bicycle or electric commuter bicycle, I love everything that has two wheels and I am the motor.   When I am on my bicycle, I feel free.  My body is the motor and my mind gives me the strength to push through anything.  Over the years I have enjoyed racing my bicycle and have become friends with many cyclists over the years.  I am a driver on a tandem bicycle for a blind athlete and I get great satisfaction seeing the smile on his face when he is able to enjoy the sport of cycling, especially when we are competing.  Even on a bad day I enjoy the sport of cycling in the great outdoors.  

Second item which identifies me is my Camera.  It brings out the best of my creativity and lets me express my ideas through photography.  I took up photography because when I travel I like to share the landscape with my family and friends.  Learning photography fits into all aspects of my life style.  I really enjoy it because I can complete a project at my own pace.  Photography keeps me relaxed and my mind off of the everyday routine.  Another great thing for me about Photography is that I can do it independently, having no boss or administration to answer to and I can go anywhere, so I am not stuck in a cubical.   

Third item which identifies me is a Nutribullet machine.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not use this machine.  My health is the most important to me.  Eating right is my biggest concern.  I want to live a long and health life Fitness is also another thing that identifies me.  I believe that fitness leads to a healthy lifestyle.  My family and I are very active and enjoy doing physical fitness activities together.  The level of cycling that I do, I need to be in the best health and shape that I can be in.  I also have to watch what I eat and prepare most of my food at home.  If I didn’t focus on my health, I wouldn’t be able to do the things I love. 


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting

It seems that social media has become the way of communications all around the world.  Companies have figured out how to recruit ambassadors offering them products and misc. items to promote their products and or services.  The ambassadors, then uses the product and or services in their everyday living environment, sharing the information with family and friends.  People in today’s society like to brag or talk about what goes on in their everyday life.  The general public seems to be wrapped up in social media as to what everyone in the world has going on in their lives.  Now they have Instagram, apps where you can follow celebrities, family and friends.  We post pictures of what we are doing or bragging what cool products we are using.  This leads to comments and even conversations posted where people are asking questions or associates that have the same interests in common that you might not even know about.  From there individuals have made contacts with their family and friends.  Knowing some or most of them follow some type of social media. In today’s society we are always turning to the Internet to research information, find jobs or just to stay up to date with the latest news going on in the world with followers of their media.  We tend to blog comments whether good or bad to pass onto others about what is happening in our lives.  Which has turned into a huge networking system for everyone.  Facebook has the brilliance of using their own web base users” to find new employees, threatening traditional job boards and competing with other web base companies. “ (Recruiters Troll Facebook for Candidates They Like).  It appears that 50% of people seeking jobs are more likely to search on Facebook then any other social media groups. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Week 4 EOC: New Phone App

 I am developing an App for all cellular phones to be able to communicate with other human beings, doing this by translating the sender’s message in a polite and professional manner to the receiver.  There could be times that your word combination comes off to strong and while finding yourself not being able to communicate with others.  Because they either speak another language and you can hardly make out what they are saying, or they were born in a different era and don’t understand you. It might be that you do not have any common sense, or you just have a personality that others just don't understand, then this App is for you.  The App is extremely easy to use.  You would be able to download the App for a 30-day trial or you would have the opportunity sign a yearly contract.  You would speak into the cellar device with the desired language and demeanor that you always have, so it would be natural to the human.  The App will translate this by using common sense, being respectful, and with proper tone and having the ability to communicate with anyone.  I would have a language translator option depend on whatever language you speak.  It would not matter the age or era of the receiver, this App is a communicator for all Human being.  The App would be great for teens, as it seems like there communication skills have been limited with all the technology that they have grown up on.  Teenagers today seem to communicate via texting, or messaging each other instead of having a person-to-person conversation.  This could also help the human race communicate in the every day world. I would make this App simple and inexpensive so that all humans, no matter the age would take advantage using my app.  

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

I fit under the demographics of “Generation X.”  “Generation X.  The baby boom followed by a “birth dearth,” creating another generation of 49 million people born between 1965 and 1976.  Author Douglas Coupland calls them Generation X because they lie in the shadow of the boomers and lack obvious distinguishing characteristics.”  (Marketing; An Introduction, 10th Edition P. 73)  Growing up I was a latchkey kid, my mom was in marketing and worked long hours  meeting with clients and my dad was a school teacher so he would always stay after school to grade his students work.  Almost everyday I was the first one home and it was several hours before my dad or mom came home.  I also fit under Generation X because as a parent my family comes first then my career.  I believe in a strong household environment.  I never make any large purchases unless I have done my research on the product, and then I still do a price check to make sure that I am not paying more than I need to.  I also face the growing economic pressures, for instance gas prices.  We all have to drive too and from places, it is now a matter of how much gas do I want to waste running around.  Growing up had I been exposed to financial planning, I might be in a more comfortable nest egg for retirement.  I have figured out over the years how to keep my debt ratio down and no credit card debt, and I am still able to put away money for retirement but you always think to yourself will that be enough for the years I am retired and still be able to travel and do fun things.  Growing up it would of been great to be offered in school classes that pertained to parenting, home, fitness and financial opportunities.  

Week 3 EOC: Making Money for Good

The business that I chose that gives back to charity is Burt’s Bees Greater Good Foundation.  It all started when Roxanne Quimby was thumbing a ride home one day.  A bright yellow Datsun pickup truck pulled over and “Roxanne instantly recognized Burt Shavitz, a local fella whose beard was almost as well-known as his roadside honey stand. “ (The Artist and Beekeeper: A history (and a Herstory)  The two of them hit it off and soon Roxanne started making candles with the unused wax from Burt’s beehives.  It all started with candles then to the beeswax lip balm as they are well known for.  “Burt’s Bees has stayed true to a very simple idea; what you put on your body should be made from the best nature has to offer. “  (The Artist and Beekeeper: A history (and a Herstory)  Burt’s Bee’s look to help no-profit initiatives whose efforts are on the same lines of their own mission.   The Burt’s Bees Greater Good Foundation was established to formalize their commitment to giving programs.  The Foundation is a 501c(30 non-profit, charitable organization, and is ran by volunteer employees and funded 10 percent from the Burts website sales.  Burt’s believe that the more they are involved in the environment the better everyone is globally and within the company.  The Burt’s Bees Great Food Foundation is a huge supporter of Habitat for Humanity, “building homes and hope for a cleaner environment.” (The Fundraising Journal Company Spotlight; Burt’s Bees)  One of Burt’s sponsors that jointed them in partnership building 30 homes in Hope Crossing, Durham, NC and due to this partnership, the first “green” “affordable housing community in the state of was established.” (The Fundraising Journal Company Spotlight; Burt’s Bees)  Burt’s Bee Foundation in 2008 worked together with Planet Earth Celebration to form an event to celebrate many resources for sustainable living right in their community.