Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Week 4 EOC: New Phone App

 I am developing an App for all cellular phones to be able to communicate with other human beings, doing this by translating the sender’s message in a polite and professional manner to the receiver.  There could be times that your word combination comes off to strong and while finding yourself not being able to communicate with others.  Because they either speak another language and you can hardly make out what they are saying, or they were born in a different era and don’t understand you. It might be that you do not have any common sense, or you just have a personality that others just don't understand, then this App is for you.  The App is extremely easy to use.  You would be able to download the App for a 30-day trial or you would have the opportunity sign a yearly contract.  You would speak into the cellar device with the desired language and demeanor that you always have, so it would be natural to the human.  The App will translate this by using common sense, being respectful, and with proper tone and having the ability to communicate with anyone.  I would have a language translator option depend on whatever language you speak.  It would not matter the age or era of the receiver, this App is a communicator for all Human being.  The App would be great for teens, as it seems like there communication skills have been limited with all the technology that they have grown up on.  Teenagers today seem to communicate via texting, or messaging each other instead of having a person-to-person conversation.  This could also help the human race communicate in the every day world. I would make this App simple and inexpensive so that all humans, no matter the age would take advantage using my app.  

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